Services to find more time in your day.

Brand Awareness

What is something you use everyday with every client/patron you see? A menu of services, a form, or even an ebook. This is how the person gets a feel for your business these are some of the most important things they see. Is it laid out in an ascetically pleasing manner? Easy to fill out? Easy to read?  These items set the tone for a business, most of these give the person the first taste of their experience with a business and helps set you up for them to know what to expect.


You know what I love? Marketing. I love using my creative energy to showcase how amazing your company is, creating a marketing plan to showcase your company and story. Social media may be all the rage but email marketing is still kicking it, and this is where you can get right in front of your customers face. Together we combine email marketing, social media, and checking your analytics to see what is working to bring your marketing presence from sad to fab!

Admin & Optimize

Do you ever have those days where you sit at the computer all day and realize you have so much more to do and not enough time in the day, let me take some of that off your plate! This is my happy place, finding ways to create more time in the day, let me find ways to optimize your time and make things more efficient using my exceptional experience in admin and customer relations and managing programs that can do some of the work for you!

Ways I Can Help Your Business

Optimization & Growth

  • Setting up systems to work smarter! This could be finding systems to do the work for you, taking it off your plate completely and I complete it.

  • How is your business growing? What is your retention? You are able to get new clients but how long are you able to keep them? Let’s discuss and look at reports to see how your business is growing and how we can continue in the upward path for continued success and growth.


  • Social media is all the rage but there are so many other avenues to persue too! I like to do a full circle approach and touch on all the areas of opportunity and see how the reach is and decide from there where to put our priorities

  • Putting together a marketing plan isn’t just for social media, this consists of email marketing, ads, and if your a brick and mortar business can include mailers, in-office/business events, and other areas. Each business is different so each marketing plan is custom to you!

  • This can also include how your business is marketed to a customer/client when they receive your goods/services. Is your logo on merchandise, receipt, forms, etc. Creating intake forms and menus that are pleasing to the eye but also easy for the customer to understand and read.

Website & E-commerce

  • Your website is the brick and mortar version of your business. Does it reflect your current business? Is it easy for customers to navigate, find things, and know what you have to offer without having to click a million buttons?

  • E-commerce can grow your business in many ways! But does it have all the cababilities you need to grow and sell your items. There are many different e-commerce options out there but what features do you need to work with your busness and help it grow?

Administrative & Bookkeeping

  • Need help with replying to emails, following up on leads, and all the little behind the scene tasks that are time consuming. I am here to take them off your plate and save you time!

  • Need help with basic bookkeeping tasks like tracking expenses, profit/loss, reconciliation. I can help assist with keeping things organized so when it comes time to tax season it’s not always a stressful event.